Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Handschuhe Touring Alpinestars Celer V2 Handschuhe Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Alpinestars Celer V2 Handschuhe

Alpinestars Celer V2 Handschuhe
  • £131,84
    Sie sparen 31 %
    • Strapazierfähige, mehrschichtige Hauptschalenkonstruktion mit geschmeidigem Vollnarben-Ziegenleder für hohen Komfort, Abriebfestigkeit und Atmungsaktivität
    • Alpinestars rennerprobtes PU-Knöchelschutzsystem für hervorragende Stoß- und Abriebfestigkeit
    • Die Handballenkonstruktion aus Leder verfügt über Polsterverstärkungen an der Landezone für hervorragende Haltbarkeit und Komfort

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 9
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,2
2 Deutsch 5 English 1 Suomi 1 日本の alle
A really good item that makes the riding much secure, comfortable and in the same time increases the joy of the road immensely! The colour combination is a really good one and the materials used are of undoubtedly great quality.
Good so far. Bit tight but…
I have the V1 Celer gloves that took a bit to break in but once done they literally fit like a glove. Wore them for 4 years, still going strong but looking a bit old. V2 are tight as hell, still breaking them in (week 1-2). Hoping once they break in they sit as well as V1. Velcro straps worry me a bit as they dont look as well made as the ones on V1. Lets see.
excellent quality
Very comfortable gloves, the size is good, and the gloves are really beautiful.
Good value
Nice good looking gloves. Good ventilation - only for warm summer weather. A bit tight fit to start with but works ok after break-in. Wrist is very short and velcro strap should be bigger. Touchscreen finger tips are great.
Very good gloves
Just received those gloves. Looks as good as the pictures . Very comfortable. Delivered in less then one week to ROMANIA.
Idealer Sommerhandschuh
Der ideale Sommerhandschuh. Durch die kurze Bauweise passt er sowohl super zum Kombi, als auch zum Hoodie. Ausserdem ist der Handschuh sehr angenehm zu tragen und bietet viel Gefühl beim Kuppeln und Bremsen.
Und der Handschuh ist auch optisch äusserst ansprechend.
very good
Produkt sehr hochwertig
Celer v1 – Great!! Celer v2 – Not so great.
Got the celer one's as they just looked bad ass. They took a few rides to break in and fit like a glove. I've been at the Celer v2 for a month now. Tried everything and it's just not getting nowhere near comfortable. Stitching feels off on the inside and the glove feels tight AF. The celer v2 is a flop to me. Getting ready to purchase others.