Startseite Motorrad Zubehör Werkzeug Bastef Universal Einarmschwinge Montageständer Links Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Bastef Universal Einarmschwinge Montageständer Links

Bastef Universal Einarmschwinge Montageständer Links
  • 99,95 €
    94,95 €
    Sie sparen 5 %
    • 35 mm Stahlrohr 
    • stabil und robust
    • Traglast bis 250 kg

    Lieferbar, versandfertig in 2 - 3 Werktage

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 14
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,4
2 Deutsch 10 English 1 Français 1 Русский язык alle
Excellent Quality
This was exactly what i needed. Very durable and quality made.
Just started using it, but so far so good! Excellent price point and very reasonable shipping rates from FCMoto.
Stabile Ausführung, durch die separat zu bestellenden Dorne auch bei einem Motorradwechsel (anderer Hersteller) weiterverwendbar.
Einen Verbesserungsvorschlag hätte ich: die Unterseite des Ständers sollte an einzelnen Auflage-Fächen Kunststoff-Schoner o. ä. haben (damit die rote Farbe durch den Hallenboden nicht beschädigt wird).
Bought with the attachment for a Monster, holds the bike solidly, one of the best I've tried at a great price!
Good quality
really good
The stand is to short and I could,not lift the bike. I have to modify the stand and install ax12” handle.
Bike BMW R1200R 2016
Junk, don't buy it
Before I could even get the bubble wrap off the paint started flaking off in my hand and all over the garage floor. Tried to fit the bastef ducati mandrel (also from fc moto) and it just doesn't fit, the bearings on the stand are too small to fit the mandrel shaft so it's impossible to put them together which means the whole system is useless
Nice finish and smooth wheel
Well made product but motorcycle not as solide or stable as a double side stand
Brilliant quality
Excellent design and quality
well made, nice looking, functional
all good, bike has been on stand since it arrived, doing misc. winter work... nice stand. Had no problems with the stand, paint, fitting the Ducati mandrel in - works nicely on my 2007 S2R 1000.
Guter Bastef Montageständer
der Bastef ist ein toller und stabiler Montageständer bin froh dass ich bei FC Moto noch einen bekommen habe. Danke
Exceeds all expectations
I have a 555 # BMW K1200S with a sidestand that requires planning before parking. I bled the clutch and it trapped air.

This stand is so stable that when it gets dark I just pack my tools and pick up where I left off a day later.

I'm a perfectionist and the form fit a nd fuinction matches the qualityI expect from my BMW.

One of the best tool decisions in my 55 years of riding. No regrets what so ever..
I have a 2011 Ducati 848 Evo. I was in need of a rear stand, and after some searching on the internet I ended up coming across the Bastef rear stand. The main reason I chose this stand was because of the price point compared to its competitors (pit bull). I was worried that it would be poor quality but I was actually quite surprised. It is a sturdy design, and does a great job in securing the bike. Also, another concern I had was since it was being shipped from Europe I was worried the shipping would take forever to get here but it actually came within two weeks. Overall I was very pleased. If you buy this rear stand make sure to buy the correct mandrel that corresponds with your specific bike!
As describe no surprises
solid and work really good!