Startseite Motorrad Taschen / Rucksäcke Rucksäcke Kriega R22 Rucksack Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Kriega R22 Rucksack

Kriega R22 Rucksack
  • 209,00 €
    • 420D Cordura® Lite Hauptkonstruktion
    • 420D Nylon Ripstop Seitenteile plus Hypalon Details
    • Das Quadloc-Lite™ Gurtzeug verlagert das Gewicht von den Schultern auf die Brust und den Körper und sorgt so für ganztägigen Fahrkomfort

    Lieferbar, versandfertig in 2 - 3 Werktage

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 8
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,9
8 English alle
Excellent bag
The bag is well designed with its Quad lock system, waterproof compartment and durable build quality,
It is an ideal size, excellent for the office commute and the day run,
The ideal rucksack would be a combination of the R22, waterproof section, the Mesh or the T18 and rain cover with expanding section of Max 28 ?
Awesome !
I commute long distances and this backpack is probably the ideal size for the task . Fits a 15 inch laptop easily and my usual office kit. Super comfortable. I ride almost 200 I'm per day so I think I can say it secure and when it's on the strap system is so good you forget it's there. Great product. Thank you fc moto for the great service
Have always wanted a Kriega bagpack but the configuration has never been to want I am looking for. The R22 is the almost perfect bag for me.

Suitable for my daily commute. The compression straps really helps if you only have a few things to carry.

The only misstep is that the two compartments should have another smaller compartment for really small things. Not a deal breaker for me though.
Amazing durable moto backpack
The feeling of wearing the backpack is amazing. It hugs your body like no other backpack does. You feel like be one body. It is well sealed (the bad thing is that when you want to put in/out something from the main pack you have to unfold it and takes time). But there is the smaller pocket for several things. Here I would like to have one-two smaller smarter pockets inside for small metal things like keys, cell phone etc.
Furthermore, when you don't have the front clasp closed, the bag doesn't sit well on the back.
Very good
the backpack is very high quality. very good size, just what I expected. I really recommend it.
Great Backpack
It's a marvelous peace of kit. This will last forever. Its well thoughted out and super comfy.

I believe there is room for improvement:
1. The front pocket could have an inside pocket for pencils and small stuff.
2. A second ring inside the fronmtpocket to hook up things like keys etc,
3. The center strap on top of the bag is in my opinion overkill. The two on the side are enough. But maybe if the bag is filled with more things it comes in handy. For a daily commute I always forget to close that and its not needed.

I would definitely buy it again. It's the best backpack I ever had.