Startseite Motorrad Bekleidung Jacken Leder Revit Surgent Motorrad Lederjacke Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Revit Surgent Motorrad Lederjacke

Revit Surgent Motorrad Lederjacke
  • £440,63
    Sie sparen 37 %
    • Oberstoff: Rindsleder
    • Verstellriemen an der Taille
    • Belüftungspaneele und Luftauslass am Rücken

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 5
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,8
5 English alle
Unsuccessful purchases
Unfortunately the first jacket ordered was not a good fit, and the second one faulty. No problems with returns other than a shortage off staff and thus longer times to have money return can be expected. This can be annoying if the money is needed to order something else quickly. But all in all the company seems good, service was fine including on the phone, and returns were porto-free. If I was to buy personalised items again over the internet (less likely because its just too hard to know if anything really fits or feels good) I would have no hesitation to use or recommend FC-MOTO.
Great fit
The fit was very good and leather was good.
I think you will need better elbow protection or just wear an internal protecting gear.
I use it for 3 weeks now. It's very fancy and provides good protection for warm and cold weather. I wear it during 10-15*C and 30*C and I felt good.
The only minus is that I can't accommodate the back shield I already have (L) and it's rather hard to understand what is the size required for the back shield for 54 size.
excellent!!! ordered on 27.12.23 with standard delivery options to Azerbaijan and received on 05.01.2023. size 52 (L) my chest is 104sm waist is 94sm. fits excellent. thanks fc-moto!! I had a suspicion about the size, but the Size chart works!!))