Startseite Motorrad Helme & Zubehör Kommunikation Sena 10S FC-Moto Bluetooth Kommunikationssystem Doppelset Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Sena 10S FC-Moto Bluetooth Kommunikationssystem Doppelset

Sena 10S FC-Moto Bluetooth Kommunikationssystem Doppelset
  • 439,90 €
    269,95 €
    Sie sparen 39 %
    • Bluetooth 4.1
    • Headset-Profil (HSP)
    • Freisprechprofil (HFP)

    Lieferbar, versandfertig in 2 - 3 Werktage

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 4
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4
3 English 1 Italiano alle
It's so much worse than I could ever imagined
The locking mechanism is just trash...plain and simple. If you ride on a windy day or past 90km/h you risk losing the main component due to the flimsiness of the locking mechanism.
I lost the 1st system on the 2nd month while on a Highway and only noticed because the music sudenly stopped and couldn't risk stopping the motorcycle to recover it. Now I just lost the 2nd one on similar circumstances. If I could return this purchase I would in a heartbeat, but now I only have 2 sets of incomplete communication systems without the main Bluetooth component.
I owned a couple of other Bluetooth devices before and this was never an issue. I do not understand how on earth they thought this would be a good enough locking mechanism to any device, let alone at this price point.
Disregarding this deal breaking flaw, the communication between devices is also horrible. At low speed (less than 50km/h) the sound is great and crisp. However, if you go faster the sound stars to stutter and break completely, to a point that you can't understand what the other person in saying at 70 or 80km/h, let alone at higher speeds. This doesn't happen when listening to music, where the sound stays crisp regardless of speed...which means its only between devices.
Other honorable mentions to this catastrophe of a s### sandwich are the controls and the app. The controls are overcomplicated and don't make much sense, with a learning curve before you can be confortable with. The app is outdated, ugly to look at, not at all user friendly, frustrating to do anything and not useful anymore after you connect the first time.
The only positive within all of this disaster is the sound. I have to admit that it does have extremely good sound and was a pleasure listening to music on this device while riding. I'm going to miss that part, since I refuse to buy any more of these retched devices or any other Sena devices if they don't fix all of these glaring flaws, which apparently are a staple of their device line.
ottimo grazie
il prodotto e perfetto solo una cosa visto la grandezza della centralina e avete posto posizionatela dietro il casco per via dei frusci di aria. Saluti.
Product is brilliant
Product and service have been great ? I would recommend Sena system if you are looking for a motorcycle comms system.
Very good product