Home Motorcycle Clothing Gloves Street Ixon IT Kayo Motorcycle Gloves Ratings

Customer ratings for Ixon IT Kayo Motorcycle Gloves

Ixon IT Kayo Motorcycle Gloves
  • 329.99 €
    from 230.99 €
    You save 20 %
    • Waterproof
    • Soft shell and goatskin outer material
    • Padding 113 g on the back and padding 40 g on the palm

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Number of ratings: 7
Average rating: 4
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Deutlich Verbessert
Ich bin die Ixon IT Yate über 1 Jahr täglich zur arbeit gefahren und die sind preislich natürlich etwas billiger aber habe schwächen, die akkus sind sehr klein und halten nicht lange daher sollte man sich füer beide handschuhe die grösseren akkus besorgen oder das motorad mit direkt strom ausstaten. Die Yate haben eine plastik schnalle zum fixieren des kletts was dazu führt das die irgenwann einfach bricht! die wurde durch metal ersetzt! grossartig.zusatlich kann man den handschuh an dem stulpen doppelt enger ziehen, einmal mit einem grossen klet und der gummi zug am ende. das hilft die wärme im handschuh zu halten und erhöht die akku laufzeit.

Auch beim virgänger war der sensor für die abschaltung sehr unzuverlässig so das der handschuh auch einfach mal übernacht an blieb und dann wenn man ihn brauch leer ist. Auch das wurde bei diesem model verbessert und es reagiert deutlich zuverlässiger. Insgesammt ist der handschuh auch nicht so wuchtig und läst sich kaum von einem normalen winterhandschu unterscheiden. Algemein finde ich das greifgefühl bei beiden modelen hervorragend da sich die komplette wärme technick auf der hand befinded und das system somit bei weitem besser ist alls alle heiz griffe. DANKE IXON
Excelentes luvas
Após ter tido as IXON IT AXO que usei durante 3 anos e ter tido problemas com o reconhecimento pela aplicação, remeti para o apoio ao cliente da IXON e foi tudo muito bem tratado.
Comprei agora as IXON IT Kayo, uma evolução das AXO
Considero o forro da AXO melhor que o da Kayo, mas em termos de proteção parecem melhores.
A grande vantagem destas luvas em relação às restantes é a capacidade de adaptar o calor que emite em relação à temperatura que definimos como conforto.
Very Poor Quality for such as high price product
I bought a pair of IXON IT Kayo heated gloves online from FC Moto in Germany on 22nd September. I bought them from this online store because I could not find them available anywhere in the UK.

I specifically bought these gloves as I liked the idea of the technology in the gloves with the app to control the temperature. This seemed a more logical way to control the temperature in the gloves compared to the previous Keis heated gloves I have had for a number of years.

I have now had the gloves for just over 2 months and sadly I am very disappointed in them, for a number of reasons, as follows:
The RH glove is ALWAYS hotter than the left, so much that initially the back of fingers on my right hand felt like they were being burned. This was with the app set at 30.5C, which was the default setting. I have now reduced the temperature to 28.5C and this has helped but the RH glove is still hotter. It feels to me like the heating element in the RH glove has not been positioned correctly during manufacture and is too close to my skin..
Quite often the gloves stay on after I have taken them off. I only found this out because I went to use them again and the batteries were flat. This has happened a number of times and I now have to disconnect the batteries every time I take the gloves off if I want to avoid this.
The battery life is very poor. I use these gloves for a 30 minute ride to and from work every day and in 5-10C ambient with the glove temp set to 28.5C the batteries are flat during the 3rd trip. (i.e. after 1hr 30 minutes).
During one longer 1hr trip in the rain both gloves leaked as my hands were wet (and cold as the batteries ran out).
The battery level indication in the app is inaccurate. For example after 3 30 minute trips, this morning the RH glove battery was showing 48%. After 5 minutes of my ride home this evening the battery went flat.
The LH glove started working normally last night on my way home but after a few minutes it stopped working. When I got home I took the gloves off and put them back on and the LH glove started working. The battery was not flat.
Finally as is apparently well known if I forget to close the Clim8 app having used it to check the glove battery levels, it drains my phone battery very quickly.
Overall I think the concept of the glove with temperature control in the app is good, but the gloves themselves are unreliable, possibly badly made, not waterproof as advertised and have poor battery life. For a premium priced product such as this I think this is very poor and they are nowhere near the level of product that they are advertised to be. I now wish I had bought another pair of Keis gloves, which were totally reliable.
Poor execution of a good idea, sizing/fit not ideal.
Nice concept with heating set at a temperature with a phone app rather than buttons on the gloves but the execution is not that great, especially for the price.

The RH glove seems to overheat as it is always hotter than the left. Recalibrating the gloves makes no difference (though it is not possible to recalibrate the RH glove). When I first wore the gloves in the default temp settings my right hand was in pain it was so hot so I turned down the target temperature.

The RH glove battery often goes flat when the gloves are not being worn so I often put them on to go out on my bike to find the RH one doesn’t heat up.

The fit of the gloves is not ideal for me either. I bought the size I needed based on the size guide but the gloves feel too wide around my hand, whilst at the same time the fingers are too short. The risk of buying online I guess.

If the above issues were resolved I’d say these are good gloves, but there are too many problems to recommend them and I wouldn’t buy them again.
dobré provedení
zatím využito jenom krátkou dobu - nejsou na to teploty, i přesto ale spokojenost. Fungují přesně tak jak je popsáno, výdrž baterie zatím netestována.
gut, aber definitiv nicht wasserdicht
Verarbeitung gut, effektive Funktion (falls sie einschalten und an bleiben), bequem und ca. 1.5 Std laufzeit bei 20° Wärme-Einstellung. Naja ... Akkus könnten wirklich größer sein, es ist genug Platz.

Rechter Handschuh heizt immer etwas mehr als der linke und ist so ca 15min früher aus. Nach dem ersten Regen ging der linke Handschuh nicht mehr an. Ein reset (Akku raus und wieder rein) war die einzige Hilfe, was natürlich nicht während der Fahrt passieren sollte. Kam auch rechts vor. Nach dem 2. Mal Regen nasse Finger. Auch ordentlich getrocknet und imprägniert NICHT wasserdicht bei viel Regen. Automatisches Einschalten manchmal verwirrt. Man hält sie in der Hand und sieht, dass einer angeht. Oder sie liegen irgendwo "ungünstig" und schalten ein. Ladezeit relativ lang, kein usb-c. Weshalb? Chips mit BluTooth etc sind drin, aber laden per usb geht nicht??

Auto-off MIT on-KNOPF wäre perfekt und zuverlässig, und bei Fehlern muss der Akku nicht raus. Darauf kommt vermutlich jeder, also warum MUSS es ohne Knopf und direkte Kontrolle sein? Warum MUSS die App online gehen, um die Handschuhe einzurichten? Warum bei dem Preis nicht wirklich wasserdicht?

Preis zu hoch mit solchen "Kinderkrankheiten" nach mehreren Vorläufern und wasserdicht ist glatt gelogen.