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Customer ratings for Klim Nac Pak Backpack + 3L Hydration Bladder

Klim Nac Pak Backpack + 3L Hydration Bladder

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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.8
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工具袋はファスナーになっていて工具も結構な量が入る。 これだけでも価値がある。
very good
top ausgestatter Rucksack
Excellent quality and construction. Really well thought out and comfortable. Just a few items to note that I didn't read anywhere: it's quite a heavy backpack just on it's own empty, this is due to good construction, the extra features and "hard" back panel. However with the chest clip engaged all that weight disappears. The chest pockets are amazing for storing my keys/garage remote on one side and on the other side my iphone 11 pro with a bulky cover JUST fits in. The pack is also fairly small - narrow and deep so wide items bay not fit. This is my daily driver and it's perfect for that but if I need to stop for groceries I will need to plan well what I buy.
Útil e de boa qualidade