Home Motorcycle Clothing Pants Textile Merlin Lombard Motorcycle Waxed Pants Ratings

Customer ratings for Merlin Lombard Motorcycle Waxed Pants

Merlin Lombard Motorcycle Waxed Pants

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
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Laut Beschreibung zutreffend
Versand so wie es sein soll. Habe mir die Hose größer gekauft, zwecks Winterausstattung. Klappt hervorragend mit einer Jeans drunter.
Made in the UK, Bought from Germany for my daily 1hour winter commute in sydney. 5 degree C mornings are cold at 100kms speeds. These pants are the perfect match with my Merlin Perton Jacket. So warm and comfortable. They're high quality, like all Merlin gear and worth the money. I'm happy and would recommend them.
Hose könnte etwas länger sein
Top product
Comfortabele, not to Hot in sunny days. Fits nicely. Good and souple protection. Love to wear it. Looks good on retro bike. You dont slide on seat. Good vent in sunny weather and warm on cold days. Love to wear it.