Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Flip Up Nexx X.Vilitur Plain Helmet Ratings

Customer ratings for Nexx X.Vilitur Plain Helmet

Nexx X.Vilitur Plain Helmet
  • 352.93 €
    from 247.05 €
    You save 20 %
    • Shell made of X-Matrix 2 (Fiberglass, 3D organic fibers, special weaving structural, high-performance organic fibers, biaxial fiberglass twile and organic fibers)
    • Anti scratch visor
    • Pinlock ready

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 4.7
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Muy bien
En las dos semanas que lo he usado, muy bien, es silencioso.
Sujeta muy bien la cara pero si usas gafas mejor quitártelas para abrir y cerrar el casco.
El aire entra bien, el protector solar es cómodo de accionar cuando acostumbras a localizar el palito de subir y bajar.
Pinlock incluido. trae también dos soportes para colocar cámaras de video.
Einfach SUPER.
Als ersten Punkt muss ich sagen, dass der Helm schön leise ist und man auch sehr angenehmes und komfortables Gefühl beim tragen hat. Ich habe mir zudem auch noch das X-COM 2 Sprachverbindungssystem gekauft um mit meinem Vater zu kommunizieren ohne irgendwelche Anbauten außerhalb des Helmes verbauen zu müssen. Die Qualität ist einfach super und die Montage Kinderleicht. Der Helm selbst verfügt über ein Durchsichtiges Hauptvisier und ein zweites, welches richtig gut abgedunkelt ist. Die Belüftungseigenschaften des Helms sind auch sehr gut und das Pinlock funktioniert. Von mir auf jeden Fall eine Empfehlung.
Comprei há cerca de um mês e estou super satisfeito.

é super confortável, abafa bem o ruído e é bastante robusto.

Muito bom
Boa relação qualidade preço
Great helmet, minor downsides
The helmet fits perfectly - after putting on this one I noticed my previous Scorpion ADX-1 was pushing my forehead, but I couldn't know before putting Vilitur on! My head is 59,5 cm so ordered an XL. The inner lining is comfortable and soft, everything else is good quality and feels reliable. Noise level is really low, especially compared to ADX-1 and my Shark S700 - I can hear only the wind outside, but not inside! If the ventilation is open, there is more noise, but the ventilation itself is really good, goes hugging well around my bald skull :)

I have only 2 minor complaints:
- though the chin bar curtain is solid, there are 2 small gaps between the lining of the chin and cheeks, resulting in two small air intakes that ventilate directly into your nostrils. Again, this is better than usual netted chin curtain, but sometimes it feels a bit too directed, but using a buff or balaclava negates the effect.
- though all internet reviews mention there is no pinlock included, in fact my package did! But since I knew there was none, I ordered a pinlock on another website simultaneously and spent 50 euros, which I could avoid if the info here was updated properly.
Great touring helmet at it's price range
Loving the helmet so far. I have ridden about four tanks with this helmet so not too much yet. Also I am not too experienced rider, so I do not have too much experience with other helmets.

- My long oval head fits in it. I have been struggling to find a helmet that fits my head. Most of the chin guards felt like a gag ball in my mouth, but with Nexx I can move my mouth.
- Chin curtain and collar parts feel snug, but still comfortable.
- Sunscreen goes down enough! Many others left it too high up.

- I need both hands to close the helmet. Not sure if this is common feature with all flip-up helmets, since this was the only one fitting my head
- Need to open the helmet to put it on (again not sure if this is the case with all flip-ups).
- It was advertised as a silent helmet. My old AGV was pertty much the same even though it was 20 years old. But can't complain.

I am happy with my purchase. It fits and has awesome sunscreen, so my demands are met. Also it looks awesome :)

Can't wait to get my intercom so I can see how silent/loud it really is.