Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Full Face Scorpion Covert-X Wall Ratings

Customer ratings for Scorpion Covert-X Wall

Scorpion Covert-X Wall
  • £221.59
    You save 27 %
    • Fiberglass Shell
    • Removable chinguard to switch to a Jet style helmet
    • SpeedView™: internal retractable sun visor

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Number of ratings: 15
Average rating: 4.7
4 English 1 Nederlands 1 Français 1 Español 2 Italiano 3 Русский язык 1 日本の 2 한국의 all
Отличный стильный шлем-трансформер
Provato alcune volte mi sembra un buon casco
Доставка до Краснодара заняла 17 дней. Хорошее качество, отлично выглядит. В езде не опробовал из-за плохой погоды. Обзор не очень, ну а что ожидать от модульного шлема такого формата. Но покупкой доволен
шлемак легкий, в сравнении с моим старым 3/4 просто пушинка, два темных визора в комплекте, доставка до питера пару недель, цвет тот, размер тот. 10 из 10, Danke
Sick look and Perfect Fit
Ordered this product due to lack of variety and stock of the Scorpion Range in New Zealand. Got the size right and the helmet is just as sick as expected. Can look like an epic Storm Trooper or if ever the need for speed strikes can take off the chin guard and look like I’m straight outta Top Gun.
English speakers will find the writing on it embarrassing
I am looking for urban cool but this helmet has "nob head" written on it literally. what a design screw up. SHI-NOB URBAN-HEAD
Someone must pre-approve these.
the helmet and colours are awesome and I love the concept but the wording combo is a joke on the wearer, waiting to be pointed out.
casco molto comodo e molto leggero
dotato di 2 visiere e tappi per quando si toglie la mentoniera
decisamente consigliato
직구러들을 위한 K-라이더의 쓸만한 잇템 리뷰

쉘 형상이 살짝 옆짱구지만 워낙소두핏이라 춥파춥스 부담은 없음. 대신 두상이 아시안용이 아닌건지 두시간이상 착용하면 관자놀이 윗부분 압박이 좀 있음. 내피작업 추천.

전작에 없던 스피커홀이 생겼으나 형상과 크기가 애매하여 장착시 애로사항이 있을수도 ...

무게 1050g.(L기준) 홍진 알파시리즈랑 동일한 사이즈 추천함

본인은 안경잽이라 헬멧 착탈시 애로사항이 많았으나 이거쓰면서 안경쓴채로 헬멧 쓰고벗음. 개킹왕짱임. 대신 풍절음은 좀 있다 ... 통풍은 나쁘지않음. 홍진 i20과 직비교 마려움
Style and material quality are excellent
The product was extremely expensive in my country and it was a product that I wanted to buy for a long time. Thanks to fc moto, I was able to get it at an affordable price. Its quality is indisputable. The sun visor that comes with it is very useful. Many companies offer this for a fee. It came quickly and undamaged, even though it was shipped abroad. I placed my second order because I was very satisfied. The product is light compared to other helmets, but has a very solid quality. I would definitely recommend.
Beautiful and light helmet.
Très bien bonne caliter
Funcional además de estético. Cumple a la perfección. Se ajusta perfectamente, las tallas son acertadas. La calidad del material es buena y muy ligero de transportar. Viene con otro parabrisas de recambio un poco más ahumado. Las primeras veces, con la mentonera, cuesta meter la cabeza pero con el tiempo se hace más natural. Muy agradecido por la atención y satisfecho con esta compra. Si te gusta el estilo, no lo pienses es tu casco.
군대 모자 58-59 였고 XL 으로 주문 했고 너무 잘맞아요.
동사의 at950 쓰다가 여름용으로 샀고 통풍성은 아주 마음에 들어요
스모크 쉴드 여분 한개 있었음
가벼운것도 맘에 들음
Helm met goede pasvorm en licht van gewicht! Fijn om te kunnen schakelen met de chinguard. Er zijn meerdere chinguards verkrijgbaar zodat je de helm helemaal naar eigen stijl aan kan passen. Helm ziet er gewoon gaaf uit!