Home Motorcycle Clothing Gloves Touring Dainese X-Ride Motorcycle Gloves Ratings

Customer ratings for Dainese X-Ride Motorcycle Gloves

Dainese X-Ride Motorcycle Gloves
  • 249.95 €
    from 119.95 €
    You save 44 %
    • Dainese Smart Touch function
    • soft inserts

    Attention: The colour black/red is more like black/neon red

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Number of ratings: 7
Average rating: 4.4
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Sehr gut.
Am Anfang etwas steif und fest. Nach der ersten Tour 250 km weicher und geschmeidiger.
Durch die Farbe sehr gut erkennbar wenn als Roadcaptain vorne Zeichen gegeben werden.
Belüftung konnte etwas mehr sein. Bei 34 Grad wird es feucht im Handschuh. ?
Excellent. Very Good. Bueno. Bonito y Medio Barato.
Great quality but tight entry
Just like many other Dainese products, these gloves are great quality product but sizes are a little bit weird so the entry was too tight for my hand. If you can try different size in a shop, then just go for it.
Boa Qualidade
De todas as luvas que já utilizei tamanho L estas são grandes no comprimento dos dedos, boas para quem tem uma mão com dedos compridos. A mim fica um pouco a mais, mas feliz 🙂
The design and color are beautiful and the performance and quality are very good.