Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Visors FC-Moto DKS 170 Merkur Pro Air/Merkur Pro Pinlock Lens Ratings

Customer ratings for FC-Moto DKS 170 Merkur Pro Air/Merkur Pro Pinlock Lens

FC-Moto DKS 170 Merkur Pro Air/Merkur Pro Pinlock Lens
  • £25.82
    • clear
    • antifog
    • Max Vision

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 5
1 Deutsch 3 English 2 Português all
By far, the easiest to install
Haven’t had a chance to ride with it yet but while I was installing my Cardo I tested it when I would wear the helmet to determine pressure points. The flip down sun visor would fog up but the main visor remained clear.
Works well!
Sehr gut
Leicht zu montieren - funktioniert sehr gut bei Regen und Feuchtigkeit.
Great add on for the helmet works very well
excelente produto recomendo.
Excelente perfeito.
Muito bom encaixe perfeito.