Home Motorcycle Clothing Gloves Sport Held Titan RR Motorcycle Gloves Ratings

Customer ratings for Held Titan RR Motorcycle Gloves

Held Titan RR Motorcycle Gloves
  • £347.23
    • Special step seam avoids pressure points on inner hand & enhances feel
    • Pre-formed, crease-free palm
    • Tunnel strap

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Number of ratings: 14
Average rating: 4.3
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Mega Klasse
Diese Handschuhe sind sehr gut verarbeitet.
Das Leder schmiegt sich sehr gut der Passform der Finger und Hand an.
Die hochwertige Verarbeitung ist sowie die hochwertigen verarbeitende Materialien rechtfertigen ihren doch sehr stolzen Preis.
Gloves are too small. I used the measuring chart I fell in the middle of 2 sizes and chose the larger of the 2 sizes. Very difficult to get on, too tight while wearing them, but for some reason the middle finger on the gloves is too long. This gets in the way when I move my fingers onto the levers.
I like FCMOTO, but I'm now not sure about the quality of Held Gloves. I will try the next size up and see how they are.
Tolle Handschuhe für die Rennstrecke
Die Handschuhe haben eine sehr gute Passform und sind phantastisch verarbeitet. Der Preis ist für Rennstrecken-Handschuhe zwar auch hoch, aber durchaus berechtigt. Vorher hatte ich die Held Phantom II Handschuhe, die mich bei einem schwereren Sturz gut geschützt haben, aber leider durch den Sturz zerstört wurden. Daher meine Investition in noch bessere Handschuhe :-)
Comparison of Titan RR to older Titan Evo
I have in front of me Evo size 10 and RR size 9.5. If I could get Evo 9.5, I'd go for these - or even better, 9 Long. But - unlike with Phantom IIs - they don't make Titans in long variants, and Evos 9.5 are now unobtanium.
RR is a bit of a different glove, rather than just an upgrade. Comparing them to Evos, here's the pros/cons of RRs:
- less titanium on the knuckles and hence look less cool, more plastic instead. Looks like they cheapened out on this, most visible part.
+ huge lump of titanium on the side arm. Evos only have plastic there
- no left-hand visor wiper!!! - for some weird reason it looks like only pre-production models had the finger wiper. Quite nonsensical move, as Held is known for the wipers.
- I feel like they "may be" less tactile as the leather on the palm is glossy and seems to be a bit thicker (thin and fuzzy on Evos - also more pleasant)
- palm colour is now black, so less visible for hand signals
- no hard sliders at the ball of the palm - only stingray panel
-/+ has multiple air intakes, much more than Evos - Pretty sure hands get colder than in Evos. I just rode for 40 min with RRs on, in 12 Celsius weather, on a cruiser at ~90km/h and my hands were somewhat cold, but not numb. I could not feel direct air flow.
+ finger bridge is shorter, so the top part of the pinky is free to bend (and break)
+ stitching around stingray-sliders is now more recessed so supposedly does not get damaged as easily as in Evos when sliding on the balls of hands (so says Held). But I like the look and feel of the Evo slightly better in this area.
- massive HDR logo on the top of the wrist is a bit too in-your-face, even in all-black version. Evos are very low-key on branding.
+ 9.5 RRs feet me well - none of the fingers are too long, but the glove is tiny bit too wide (palm and fingers). Size 10 Evo finger length is tiny bit longer (better for me), but the thumb is a bit too long. Glove is also slightly wider than RR 9.5
+ sleeve part of RRs 9.5 is significantly more compact than Evo's 10. Maybe it's just because Evo 10s are too big for me (Evo 9s have definitely more compact sleeve)

In general, I think Evo is jsut as protective, a more handsome glove and maybe a bit more comfortable in terms of manual dexterity. Phantom II is better than both on the dexterity front, but missing finger bridge, hand-edge protection and hard sliders.
As mentioned, if I could get Titan Evo 9.5, I'd choose it over RR.
Very good Racing Glove
I have had several pairs over time of top of line racing gloves - Alpinestars GP, Alpinestars Pro 2, Alpinestars Pro 3, Dainese Full Metal. Although the protection they offer is probably similar to the Titan RR, they all took a long time to wear in. The Titan RR is comfortable from the first fit. This is a considerable advantage - no cramps, no effort required in going from lever to grip. Highly Recommend.
These are pricey but they are extremely high quality. I was waffling on spending this much but I am very glad I did. They are extremely soft out of the box (which is a crazy box they come in it’s like opening a rare book they are packaged wonderfully) the sting ray leather feels like you could crash in them 100 times. I got the hi viz and the leather is dyed in an incredibly bright hi viz (a lot of motorcycle gear in hi box is pretty muted in person, not these) the fingers are a tad on the long side but most gloves are for me. I’m solidly a medium in gloves (size 9) and these are perfect for me. They also let you feel a lot as the leather is so thin. Really I am only going to run Helds from now on. I wanted the maximum protection and went with the titans. They are not hot and broke in after 2 rides. Highly, highly recommend these and they absolutely meet the hype. Do yourself a favor and try a pair of helds, I recommend these are they are easy to get on and off for race gloves Abdul I expect they will last a very long time.
Fabulous gloves top quality
Ein Stern geht flöten für den Preis, gibt auch eine Lederkombi dafür!
Optik und Verarbeitung sind Top
Passform wie gemessen, recht eng aber etwas geben die ja noch nach.
Bestellt wurde Gr.9,5 bei 23cm Hand
Ein Stern geht flöten für den Preis, gibt auch eine Lederkombi dafür!
Optik und Verarbeitung sind Top
Passform wie gemessen, recht eng aber etwas geben die ja noch nach.
Bestellt wurde Gr.9,5 bei 23cm Hand
Made for very wide hands
The overall build of this glove was nice, very sturdy feeling, but I have long and narrow hands, so for the size I needed to match the length of my fingers, the width was far too wide. I went back to Alpinestars gptech glove as they have a narrower fit.
Ein klasse Handschuh der jedoch einige Zeit zum Eintragen benötigt. Wenn es richtig warm wird ist die Belüftung nicht optimal. Das ist aber bei einem Handschuh dieser Machart normal.
Ein Stern geht flöten für den Preis, Lederkombi lässt grüßen.
Optik und Verarbeitung sind Top
Passform wie gemessen, recht eng aber etwas geben die ja noch nach.
Bestellt wurde Gr.9,5 bei 23cm Hand
6 out of 10
The gloves did not come with a visor wipe some of the stitching is off where you pull the wrist support piece, left side. to make a tight that piece is already lose. it looks like it’s gonna rip I’m gonna have to take it to a seamstress. They looked Pre-warn. The good they’re very comfortable easy on and off. Good protection, not bulky and hand movement along with fingers is great. I just might of got a defective pair! Sizing is great and fingers are a bit longer then Dainese.I’m a size 8 in held and a size small in Dainese.