Home Brands S Shad SH37/SH40/SH44/SH45 Topcase Backrest Ratings

Customer ratings for SH37/SH40/SH44/SH45 Topcase Backrest

SH37/SH40/SH44/SH45 Topcase Backrest
  • £20.35
    • easy mounting with screws
    • sufficient padding for optimal comfort
    • compatible with SHAD topcase SH37/SH40/SH44/SH45

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 5
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 Français 1 Español 1 Português all
I'm very pleased.
Everything was perfect.
Apoio confortável para viagens.
Top in Lieferung Montage und Ausführung
Fits perfektno on the case
Tal cual lo dice en la descripcion, mi novia por fin va comoda!