Home Motorcycle Helmets & Accessories Communication Sena 50S / 30K / 20S Evo HD Speaker Ratings

Customer ratings for Sena 50S / 30K / 20S Evo HD Speaker

Sena 50S / 30K / 20S Evo HD Speaker
  • 45.95 €
    • original spare part
    • new HD version
    • easy to install

    Deliverable, ready to ship in 2 - 3 working days

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Number of ratings: 11
Average rating: 4.4
1 Deutsch 3 English 1 Nederlands 1 Español 1 Norsk 2 Suomi 1 Svenska 1 Русский язык all
God Produkt
They are better than the original ones but for me there was no "yess" effect, still miss that a little more / louder sound because I drive with "earplugs" and it gets a little low especially at higher speeds.
Veel beter geluid dan de orginele luidsprekers.
Vooral meer bass en beter regelbare muziek en spraak.
Makkelijk te installeren.
Works as advertised and provides more, better sounding volume
Sehr gut
Sena 20S EVO paketin mukana tulleet
Kuulokkeet roskaa.Tällä, HD kuulokkeilla hyvä parannus ääneen tasoon ja laatuun.
Very good improvement.
Massive improvement in sound quality with the HD speaker install. Easy and quick to do. Well worth the investment. It's a pity that when you buy the Sena kit originally that they would have thought of having the speaker improvement added especially when you consider the cost of the kit.
Äänenlaatu on todella hyvä verrattuna peruskuulokkeisiin. Suosittelen!
Very good.
Much improved sound over the original headset supplied with the Sena 30K. The bass is a lot better but the best thing is the louder overall volume and sound quality. Very good, if fact so much so, I have bought 2 sets.
Очень хорошо
Установил на 30к взамен старым. Работают отлично
Inte värt pengarna att byta ut orginal.
La verdad que se oyen perfectamente, se nota mucho que ha dejado con estos auriculares de oírse como si fuese una lata, volvería a comprarlos sin dudar,