Casa Motocicleta Roba Jaquetes Tèxtils chaquetas deportivas Revit Apex H2O Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Apex H2O Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta

Revit Apex H2O Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 4,3
1 Deutsch 1 English 1 Italiano 1 Suomi totes
Overall great and sporty jacket
Great jacket. Blocks wind good. I'm riding naked bike and this jacket works good by blocking wind at high speeds. Sizing pretty tight. Of course sizing with sporty jackets are tighter than touring jackets. Haven't yet tried the thermo layer that comes with the jacket. Also bought the back shield for the jacket. 184cm/92kg I'm using size XL
I have bought this jacket for colder weather, and it meets the expectations perfectly !
It is comfortable and warm even without inner jacket that is removable. Depends what you are looking for but design is perfect to me and for this price I am very satisfied !
Nichts Besonderes
Schnitt suboptimal, Ärmel eng und zu lang. Durch die Beschichtung nicht atmungsaktiv. Seitentaschenposition viel zu weit hinten.
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