Casa Motocicleta Botes Turisme Revit Pulse H2O Botes de moto impermeables Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Pulse H2O Botes de moto impermeables

Revit Pulse H2O Botes de moto impermeables
  • 239,99 €
    167,95 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Ripstop de polièster i part superior de microfibra.
    • Folre de malla 3D
    • Hydratex impermeable i transpirable®| Membrana Z-Liner

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 7
Avaluació mitjana: 4,7
1 Deutsch 4 English 1 Español 1 한국의 totes
Calidad excelente en materiales y terminados un poco ancha para mí pie sin embargo excelente calidad
Excelente calidad y precio los materiales y terminados cumplen con mis expectativas un poco anchas para mí tamaño de pie nada que con un calcetín adecuado no tenga remedio
I ordered the boat from Turkey on May 31st. It was delivered to my door by UPS on the 6th day without any problems. This is my third purchase from FC Moto, and I also had a returned product. I had no problems with any of them. I am very pleased with my purchases from here. As for the boat; I don't normally wear 43 but I bought 44. because I plan to use it with thick terry socks or thermal socks. So the size will be the same as what you normally wear. The sole feels very comfortable, but it is not a soft boot. It gives you the feeling that your protection will be good. It's a little hard when walking, but it will soften over time. I would like to thank FC Moto for its service.
Exactly what I expected
Very good quality
Very pleased with the boots, comfortable and fitted with the exactly size that I used for every day shoes. FC Moto is an esquisite and professional shop and every parcel is delivered shortly.
I have not used it yet but I have tried it on. Perfect!

I was so worried about the size after my recent purchase of Order : 9005447 (Revit Valve H2O Motorcycle Leather Jacket) was a disaster! Wrong size. That's my nightmare but Revit Pulse H2O waterproof Motorcycle Boots is Perfect for me.

Thank you,
사진에서 볼때는 적당히 부드러운듯 했는데 실물은 딱딱하고엄청 뻣뻣한 느낌입니다
신고 벗는데 조금 힘들지만 안전을 생각하면 감수해야죠
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평소 등산화 기준 255 신는데 40사이즈로 주문하니 적당하네
Sehr bequeme Stiefel. Die Verarbeitung ist auf sehr hohem Niveau. Sehr gute Klimatisierung, die Füße bleiben im Winter schön warm und trocken. Auch für etwas breitere Füße sehr gut geeignet. Klare Empfehlung!