Hlavní stránka Motocykl Oblečení Bundy Kožené Black-Cafe London Miami Motocyklová kožená bunda Hodnocení

Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku Black-Cafe London Miami Motocyklová kožená bunda

Black-Cafe London Miami Motocyklová kožená bunda

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* Povinná pole
Počet hodnocení: 14
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,6
5 Deutsch 3 English 1 Français 1 Italiano 2 Português 1 中国 1 日本の vše
Really good quality jacket. Everyone comments on it. Personally, I removed the protectors from the elbows and shoulders as I'm only wearing it as a fashion jacket - and it looks great. But it's also a bona fide jacket for riding.
blouson style rétro magnifique
renforts de sécurité au niveau des coudes et des épaules

taille un peu petit ... prendre un taille au dessus à mon avis
Top Jacke
Zwei Größen größer bestellt als ich normal trage und die Jacke passt.
Ottimo prodotto utilizzabile sia per la stagione estiva che quella autunnale, con la parte interna rimovibile. Sono contento anche perché mi è stato applicato un ulteriore sconto per il mio compleanno
Super Jacke, aber 2 Nummern größer bestellen.
Confortável e de excelente eficácia
Fantastic Service.
I purchased a Black Café biker jacket from FC-Moto. The sizing of the jackets is very difficult to assess and I contacted customer service and received very helpful advice from Vivien. When the jacket arrived it was a perfect fit - leaving me very happy indeed.
The Black Café jackets themselves are great quality and are great as fashion items - however they do come with removable hard protection in elbows and shoulders and the leather is heavy duty leather, so they are a genuine rider's jacket. Very good quality.
Excellent service all round from FC-Moto, I will buy more from them.
Trägt sich super
its a fantastic piece. really beautiful and practical. sizewise im 170 cm and 69 kg. size 50 is spot on. snug. not loose. the possibility to remove one lining is super important as regard to different seasons, and different clothes underneath.
Tolle Jacke
Alles super gelaufen - tolles Produkt, schnelle Lieferung. Bitte Größe beachten: Normalerweise trage ich Größe 48/50, habe die Jacke in Größe 52 gekauft und das passt perfekt. (Jahr: 2023)
sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
unbedingt zwei Nummern größer bestellen.
Bin 186cm 86kg und benötigte XXL
Optik und Verarbeitung gefallen, eine Langzeitbeurteilung steht noch aus
Design fantástico e grande qualidade