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Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku Dainese Urbactive GTX Motocyklové boty

Dainese Urbactive GTX Motocyklové boty

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* Povinná pole
Počet hodnocení: 5
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,8
1 Deutsch 4 English vše
Handsome shoes
Excellent and very nice looking shoes. Have not tried it yet but fitted and I can say it's going to be comfy, light and durable. Made the right choice with this one.
The shoes are comfortable and goodly looking. You can walk with them all day. The only downside is that my feet feel hot.

I feel from my bike at about 80 km/h while wearing this shoes. I'm impressed because they only have a slight burn-like mark. I have no doubt it was money well spent.
Great shoes even for summer
Never had a similar shoe, so I ended up here after a long search. This shoe seems to be perfect. The materials are great, the protections make you feel safe and it was very easy to clean dirt with a wet cloth. The looks are awesome and its appearance is not like any other usual "chunky" motorbike shoe. Looks like a VANS shoe. It's comfortable and I even had it on with lower socks, it is comfortable and you can walk with it and I had it on during a 9-day summer tour in Greece and it didn't feel hotter than any other normal shoe. Reeks of quality, is worth its money and it's absolutely recommended.
Top Schuhe
Exzellenter Tragekomfort, leichter Motorradschuh mit stabiler Sohle, nicht so eng am Leisten wie bei den meisten anderen Hersteller, Größenangeben entsprechen der Realität, Perfekter Schuh für die Stadt oder tropische Gebiete, man kann die Schuhe durchaus den ganzen Tag tragen ohne Druckstellen/Schmerzen, sehr gute, ergonomische Innensohle. Top Produkt, bin nachhaltig begeistert!