Startseite Motorrad Stiefel City / Urban Daytona AC Dry GTX Gore-Tex wasserdichte Motorradstiefel Bewertungen

Kundenbewertungen zu Daytona AC Dry GTX Gore-Tex wasserdichte Motorradstiefel

Daytona AC Dry GTX Gore-Tex wasserdichte Motorradstiefel
  • 335,00 €
    285,00 €
    Sie sparen 15 %
    • Materialmix aus Glattleder, perforiertem Leder und Nubuk-Leder
    • wasserdicht und atmungsaktiv durch Gore-Tex More-Season-Membrane (80 % Polyamid, 20 % Polyester)
    • elastischer, angenehm weicher Schaftrand

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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 12
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5
1 Deutsch 9 English 1 Español 1 Русский язык alle
Great quality as I expected
First of all the size. I went for one size under my normal size and they fit perfectly. Love the boots, the lacing system is quick and easy. My feet feel safe now and keep dry. Only had one downpour so far here in Kuala Lumpur but they worked great.
Walking in them is comfortable and inconspicuous as riding boots.
Son mis primeras Daytona frey, estoy encantado con ellas. Han superado mis expectativas. Tengo el pie y el gemelo ancho me van perfectas, despues de buscar reviews encontre este modelo para usar todo el año para viajes, salidas diarias, rutas de fin de semana... No me aprietan ni me dejan marca como otras marcas despues de rodar 8 horas o mas con ellas encima de la moto o caminar, la calidad del acabado de los materiales y el ajuste es perfecto estoy muy contento, el precio es alto però el hecho de estar hechas a mano, el goretex... junto al diseño atractivo se que me duraran muchos años mas que otro modelo mas economico. Mis amigos no paran de preguntar-me por ellas des-de que me las vieron puestas en la moto. Por ultimo, tengo una Ducati Panigale v4s los estrivos son cortos y los silenciosos desprenden calor hacia arriba, con estas botas me aisla el calor major que otras y se agarran al estrivo corto como una lapa.
Outstanding quality
This is my 3rd pair of Daytona boots, all of which I bought within the last year. All Daytona are wonderfully crafted with exquisite attention to detail. These boots are the most comfortable of the three, yet the other two are also comfortable. I think the superior comfort of the AC Dry simply comes down to their lighter weight. I haven't tested the waterproofness of the AC Dry yet, although with any MC boot/shoe, you want to make certain to wear rain pants to ensure water doesn't come into the boot and compromise the boots' capabilities.
Great shoes
I finally pulled the trigger on these Daytonas... And what great shoes they are. Much taller than your usual urban shoes, one can ride for hours in them. Very washable, water proof and very comfy. They need a little braking in but not too much. I used them, for example, on a 3 and a half hours trekking trip, climbing a mountain trail with my dogs... It is true of what they say, Daytona is the absolute best.
Best low cut boot in the market
I bought these from FC Moto last year. (2022).
They quickly became my favourite boots for riding. They are considered a lower cut boot but they have a higher ankle than any other low cut moto-boot I own.
The boots breathe well and are reasonably cool on hot days and reasonably warm on cold days. They feel like a pair of runners or comfortable walking shoes when off the bike. The fit is slightly on the large size. I normally take a size 42 in most other brands (TCX, Stylmartin, John Doe, etc.) so I ordered a 42 in these Daytona AC Dry. I could easily have taken a size 41. That said, when laced up tight, they don’t feel sloppy to wear and the fit is excellent. The boot has larger padded areas for ankle protection than any other non-Daytona boot I own. The toe area is reinforced so it won’t be crushed, the tongue is thick and padded, the ankles have some sort of padding that seems thick and very protective, and the heel has a solid cup that is also well protected. I believe the sole has a steel shank encased in plastic or something similar to avoid twisting. The only other boot I have that is this protective is another pair of Daytonas. What they say about Daytonas in my opinion is absolutely true. I think these are the best moto-boots you can buy for the money. I’ve looked and Belstaff Resolves, and own some TCX, Stylmartin, John Doe, Helstons, and Falcos, and though each have their own positive attributes, none of them compare to these Daytonas or my other Daytona boots which are the Trans Opens. Highly recommend Daytona and highly recommend these boots.
Tiptoper Motorradstiefel
Sehr bequem, mein Freund liebt ihn, er kann einfach nicht einen Marathon laufe, aber ist ja auch kein Wanderschuh :-) Vorteil mein Freund hat ein hohes Rist, und der Schuh passt tiptop, da er individuell verstellbar ist
Great shoes
These boots are fantastic. They are comfortable, good looking, waterproof and one can walk in them even on hiking trips with no issues. I use them in town and for my weekend dual sport trips when i need to have a coffee out of town and still have decent protection in the woods.
Хорошая, качественная обувь. Заказывал как на картинке мод. Daytona AC Dry GTX Gore-Tex, прислали AC Dry GTX G2
Всё тоже самое, только добавлена с боку молния и липучка.
Можно придраться только к задней части ботинка, относительно левого и правого не ровно пришита пяточная часть башмака.
В остальном, размер, посадка, эргономика и вентиляция на высоте. Нога дышит, пробовал при t +32°С.
High enough to keep your legs covered when your trousers don't. Excellent design and craftsmanship. I just wish the shoe was stitched to the soul instead of glued upon but other than that they seem perfect for the job.
Very good
I use in the city for hot weather