Domestico Moto Abbigliamento Giacche Pelle Revit Restless Giacca in pelle per moto Punteggi

Punteggi dei clienti per Revit Restless Giacca in pelle per moto

Revit Restless Giacca in pelle per moto
  • 449,99 €
    369,95 €
    Salva 18 %
    • Tessuto esterno: pelle bovina
    • Fodera termica rimovibile
    • Cattura vento dietro la cerniera del polsino e la cerniera anteriore

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Numero di punteggi: 4
Punteggio medio: 4
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 Português tutte
Top Qualität
Bei der Anprobe kamen mir die Ärmel etwas lang vor, auf dem Bike sind sie aber perfekt. Jacke ist von Haptik und Verarbeitung nicht mehr zu überbieten. Leder ist sehr hochwertig, sehr angenehm zu tragen.
Wish it was bluer
Jacket itself is top notch, just wish it was more blue. I was searching high and low for a blue leather jacket and this was pretty much the only one I could find - it's definitely more grey than it appears in the photos. Too bad, plenty of grey jackets out there already but no blue...make this thing more blue and they'll have the blue-leather-jacket market cornered. Still, a damn nice jacket despite that, cheers
A lighter leather Jacket
The color I received is more like “Grey”, not that blue or vintage look, or that darker color. The lether seems easy to leave scratch on it, so maybe it will get vintage-look through time. The seesmart protectors are light, the overall weight is kinda ligher than other leather ones. BUT again, I expect more blue color on is NOT the same as the official pictures.
Quality:Top Style: awesome Protection:Medium
The Jacket is more a grey-blueish, than blue, but for me it's ok, it's just to have something different for all that black and brown jackets. I think the Jacket will easily create a patina, and quickly.
The quality is similar to other Revit jackets, it's very good.
The new protector seesoft are a lot lighter than the previous but not so protective.