시작 페이지 바이크 모토크로스 보호장비 Leatt 4.5 Pro 가슴 보호기 평가

Leatt 4.5 Pro 가슴 보호기 에 대한 고객 평가

Leatt 4.5 Pro 가슴 보호기
  • ₩ 306,314
    ₩ 260,175
    저장 15 %
    • 테스트 및 인증을 받은 이 가슴 보호기는 하드 쉘과 3DF AirFit 충격 폼 보호 기능을 모두 사용합니다. 임팩트 폼은 편안한 착용감을 위해 유연하면서도 즉각적으로 단단하고 에너지 흡수 물질로 변하여 충돌 시 당신을 보호합니다. 높은 충격 또는 돌 편향의 경우, 하드 쉘 영역은 고밀도 폴리 에틸렌 (HDPE)로 만들어집니다. 가슴 보호기는 가슴, 등, 어깨 및 측면 보호 기능을 제공하며 Leatt 보호 시스템에서 총 17점을 획득했습니다.


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* 필수 입력란
평가 수: 7
평균 평점: 4.7
3 Deutsch 2 English 1 Italiano 1 日本の 전부
Keine, war nicht für mich.
Sehr gut.
Passt optimal, bei einer Größe von 1,75 m und 90 kg. Lässt sich sehr gut tragen, und stört nicht beim fahren. Allerdings funktioniert die die Befestigung für das Leatt Brace nicht wirklich bzw. hält nicht. Habe mir die Gummi Bänder von Leatt dazu gekauft zum über kreuz tragen. Jetzt passt alles.
Sehr gut !
Sehr guter Sitz und bester Schutz !
tutto perfetto, veste alla perfezione
very good
Very good
As a 70kg female the Leatt 4.5 Pro Chest Protector is a little big on me. The shoulder cup and bicep straps are done up as tight as they can be but still flop around a bit and don't fit snugly. It sits a little heavy on the points of my shoulders and I'm thinking of putting a little patch of neoprene or something in the underside to stop the small bit of pressure I get there. I suspect that anything that's not a mesh pressure suit (which is what I used to wear before the Leatt) would feel the same. I can't tighten the strap around my waist any more to distribute the weight of the armour better either. Don't get me wrong, it's a great protector and I bought it mainly because I wanted a great fit for my new Leatt neck brace to fit into but I think it's probably a little big for a woman 171cm tall and 70kg.
I chose this one over the womens one as I wanted some shoulder protection (the chick's one does not have any) but I wonder if I might have been better buying the women's specific armour instead. A Leatt representative suggested I get this one and that the women's one was more for girls with a fair sized rack.
165センチ 75㌔ 胸囲110なので2XLを注文 サイズは問題なし 防御力が高い造りで良いモノだと思います 脇腹まで保護してくれるので安心感があります ジムカーナで使用する為に購入しました