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Kundevurderinger for Alpinestars XT-8 Gore-Tex vanntette motorsykkelstøvler

Alpinestars XT-8 Gore-Tex vanntette motorsykkelstøvler

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* Påkrevde felter
Antall vurderinger: 6
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4
2 Deutsch 4 English alt
very comfortable boots, feels like they were made for me personally.
it's a very comfortable boots, feels like they were made for me personally. Most boots are causing discomfort in various areas for me, making it very difficult to find something suitable for my feet. But this pair is different, absolutely, extremely comfortable.
Zu eng
Unglaublich eng , für sehr dünne Beine
Angenehm überrascht von dem Produkt. Das man heute noch für bezahlbar Motorrad Stiefel bekommt in so einer Ausführung und Qualität
Die Alpinestars Stiefel xt-8
Sind gut verarbeitet Passgenauigkeit und Einstellungen der verschlusschnallen sind hervorragend. Tragekonfort bestens. Auch nach einem langen Tag mit viel gehen keinerlei Beschwerden.Würde Diese Stiefel sofort wieder kaufen
Das ist mein persönliches befinden. Es wird auch Leute geben denen sowas nicht passt.Die Geschmäcker und Empfindungen sind halt unterschiedlich
like i have it long time before.Nothing to bother me, as usual with Alpinestars.
The shoes have several problems
1) There is no BOA system in 2024
2) The protection against twisting is zero
3) EN 2 2 2 1 not 2 2 2 2
From the good
1) Very light
2) The sole does not slip
3) There is ventilation
4) It is comfortable to walk
1) The rejection of BOA in 2024 looks very strange. Classic fasteners and Velcro do not allow you to fix your foot as securely.
2) The sole of the boots has good rigidity. But the top is not
3) the boots are spacious inside and even a little bigger than necessary. But it's good.
4) the torsion protection is 0
5) The ventilation looks good. In the north, where I live, this is not a problem. I'm more afraid of ice on the roads. The sole does not slip in snow and ice!
6) boots are very light. I did not expect such lightness at all.
7) The level of protection is acceptable. ECE level certification 2 2 2 1 - Why is there almost no such information anywhere!