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Revit Taurus Gore-Tex Gloves Hansker

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Antall vurderinger: 9
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4
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It is very good for winter riding, with its good protection.
Slightly hard to maneuver the bike but reasonable for winter gloves.
No los recomiendo
No son prácticos de poner, el primer guante te lo pones medianamente bien, pero el segundo con el primer guante puesto cuesta mucho de poner, el forro interior no es práctico, tienen poco tacto.
Well, it is Rev'it!
And as always it is a fantastic quality. The attention to detail and the materials used are exquisite. Everything screams this is the best of the best. I read a lot of critical reviews of these gloves - many regarding too much insulation on the inside - all I can say is that they are winter gloves and as such they have to have insulation to do their job. That insulation obviously insulates your hands from your heated grips if you happen to have them but just assume that these are NOT the gloves for heated grips but rather for those who don't have them. Also, some people criticize the double cuff or gauntlet which is hard to use. Well, that is true but there simply is no way around it - double cuff is hard but the benefits are fantastic: for winter or rain there is nothing better and it is well worth the extra effort and time. Plus you should now about it before you buy and expect it - I did and I love it - especially the drain holes. The only thing that I have to agree with critics is the stupid cuff tightening string which makes little or no sense - I found there is little to no difference between open and close position making it hard to put my hand through the super narrow cuff. I would much prefer a more traditional velcro strap or a rubber band of some sort. Also a little bit more pre-curved shape for the grip hold would be welcome. These are gloves amongst the warmest you can find but people who expect them to work at a 90 kmh in below freezing temps do not understand simple thermodynamics. For these conditions you need heated gear. Outside of these extreme conditions they work as intended.
Nice glove - once (if) you get it on
The good stuf: Nice material, size is great, feels warm and not too clumsy - 4 stars once it is on.

The odd stuff: The "double strap system" is odd. Why overcomplicate something that never have been a problem (at least for me after 15 years on motorbike) and that likely will break.

The bad stuff:
The glove is a true nightmare to get on. Even if you take them off very carefull the little finger pocket / inner glove will still move out so next time it is SO dificult to get your little finger in place.

I stopped using the glove except for long trips. Regret I didnt stick with Held or Rucca.
very good materials but feels clumsy
Those are very good gloves, excellent materials.
very good protection, warm, no sweat, no rain wetness.
the only thing is that you need some time to get used to since they fill clumsy, especially for wearing them.Once you find your way how to wear them, they give you a very confident, dry, warm feeling.need to wear your exact size, otherwise they feel more clumsy then usual
Super Winterhandschuh
Sehr warmer Handschuh, habe ihn jetzt mehrfach für 1-2 Std. bei 7-2°C getestet hält sehr warm, keine kalten Finger. sauber verarbeitet, das Anziehen ist etwas umständlich, dafür sicher und winddicht. Bei Regen habe ich ihn noch nicht getestet.
as expected. not bad oaver all