ホーム モーターサイクル ウェア グローブ ツーリング Ixon Rs Tourer Air 手袋 評価

Ixon Rs Tourer Air 手袋のお客様評価

Ixon Rs Tourer Air 手袋
  • ¥14.848
    保存 40 %
    • ナックル プロテクター
    • 防水性と通気性
    • バックハンドをメッシュします。


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* 必須フィールド
評価数: 14
平均評価: 3,2
7 Deutsch 6 English 1 Italiano すべて
Ottimo prodotto molto comodo
Il guanto in questione è davvero comodo come vestibilità, inoltre protegge molto bene dal freddo e dall'acqua. Le protezioni sono presenti, ma non si sentono troppo, anche nell'uso di tutti i giorni. Buona la traspirabilità. Nel complesso è un prodotto completo per tutte le stagioni.
Not up to what I expected for an Ixon and a CE level 1 product
The stitching of one of thumbs opened after using 3x in one month after receiving it. Not the the quality that I expected from Ixon or from a CE level 1 graded equipment.
gute Ware, für mich ein kauf Tip
Gute "Übergangshandschuhe"!
Nächte lösen sich nach 3 Wochen auf.
Handschuh ist nicht wasserdicht.
Very good
Top mid-season gloves
Poorest quality
After three rides the stitching on both thumbs is broken. I should have read the reviews before purchasing. Sad to see such a poor quality product from Ixon. Back now on FCMoto to try to find a better quality replacement. Please do not waste your money!
Habe mir erst meine normale Handschuhgröße bestellt, da diese Handschuhe aber doch recht klein ausfallen wie ich feststellen musste habe ich eine Nummer größer genommen. Auch diese wirkten etwas zu klein, was aber an der schmalen Passform liegen mag. Nach einigen malen tragen haben sie sich aber super angepasst an meine Hände und sitzen jetzt super. Fingerlänge passt bei mir sehr gut mit der Nummer größer. Auch bei warmen Wetter (soweit wir das schon hatten) nicht zu warm, wenn es kühler wird nicht kalt. Bisher nur kurze Regenfahrten gehabt, dabei bisher absolut wasserdicht.
Really good quality\price ratio
Just started to use them and they are very confortable mid-season gloves. I have been riding with temperatures between 10 and 25 ºC degrees and the mix of materials really works well in keeping your hands at stable confortable temp. The fitting is like it is described in the size chart. I got a size up but with the straps the fits well and i can easily wear an inside glove if needed.
Guter Kauf.
Noch nicht viel getragen, aber bis heute kann ich sagen: gutes Produkt.
Gute Passgenauigkeit, griffig an den Lenkerenden.
Wassderdichtigkeit noch nicht getestet.
Für mich ein guter Handschuh für die Übergangszeit.
Not good enough from a good brand
I have the same bad experience like the other guys who reviewed. I am in melbourne Aus and it is summer when it was delivered (Oct-25). Could not use it due to warm weather and don’t drive in rain so much but the water proof was fine In Slight shower.

Used this for more than 4/5 times and realised the top layer at the thump started to come off the stitch area. If that is the waterproof layer than what’s the use of it.

Not sure what FC moto wants to do when I email as I see few others have said the same thing but didnot update what was the outcome.

Finally my view is internal build quality is fine but outer layer is very week so stay away from this gloves.
Schlechte Qualität
Nach nur einem Monat löst sich bereits die erste Naht auf - Nicht zu empfehlen!
Guter Handschuh für den Actionspreis
Die Funktionen sind gegeben, fallen etwas klein aus.
After 3 weeks of use started to be broken
I bought these gloves a bout one month ago, and after a few days started to open on the side of the left thumb, I am quite disappointed because the gloves looks good, they are comfortable and they seam to be really waterproof. I am going to contact FC-MOTO to see what to do with them.