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Klantwaarderingen voor Bogotto FG-601 Glasvezel Enduro Helm

Bogotto FG-601 Glasvezel Enduro Helm

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Aantal waarderingen: 6
Gemiddelde waardering: 4,5
2 Deutsch 4 English alles
Nice Helmet
The quality of the helmet is good and it came better than I expected, but it fit my head perfectly and it was a little tight on my head. I hope this will not be a problem for me and you could send at least one as a gift :) Other than that, it's great!
Preis/Leistung TOP
Der Bogotto FG-601 ist ein bequemer und schöner Helm.
Preis/Leistung sind gut.
Abzüge gibt es, da das Visier nur 3 Stellungen hat. Geschlossen, halb offen, ganz offen.
Die Helmschale wirkt etwas dünn.
Ansonsten für den Preis als Glasfaserhelm gut.
Größe genau passend. Sieht geil aus
Es sieht auf jeden Fall genauso aus wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe.
Perfect for this price.
I afraid this helmet is poor quality in this price. But I can say It is a very good quality helmet. Comfortable(similar like a Nolan), not too noisy, material quality is pefect, desing is also very good. I love it. I have ordered a pinlock as is large sreen, totaly unvisible. Perfect!!!
Thank you FC Moto !!!!
Cool design, beautiful color!
It is a big helmet, the outer shell is big, it is heavy and designed for oval head, the maroon color and the mate finish are very cool.
The interior liner is very comfortable, the fabric is soft and looks good quality, it's washable and removable; at first the snap buttons are very difficult to undo. I would prefer D-ring chin strap as in the V331 model over the micrometic closure.
The sun visor is not too dark which is fine to me, the action lever it is easy to find.
I found that it is prepared to install a communication system, the interior shell includes preinstalled Velcro to fix the speakers.
Worth the money!
A happy surprise.
+Fits perfect on my head (my last helmet was LS2 in same size)
+not too noisy in the wind (i have used with tall windscreen on a transalp650)
+the visor and the sunvisor is good quality, not too dark
+comfy also does not look cheap, all feature is handy
-feels a little bit weak against side pressure
-i didnot find any crash test report about the helmet

Good price - value rate 😉