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Kundebedømmelser for Alpinestars Air Plus V2 Gore-Tex XCR Motorcykel støvler

Alpinestars Air Plus V2 Gore-Tex XCR Motorcykel støvler
  • 309,95 €
    fra 237,95 €
    Du sparer 23 %
  • The Air Plus V2 Gore-Tex® XCR Boot's innovative designfunktioner en vandtæt og åndbar GORE-TEX® XCR membran lag under et velventileret mesh ydre konstruktion, der sikrer fødderne ophold behageligt tør i alle-vejrforhold.

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Antal bedømmelser: 11
Gennemsnitsbedømmelse: 4,6
1 Deutsch 7 English 2 Русский язык 1 polski alle
Very confortable and versatile touring boots
There are many things to note about these boots.
In terms of offered protection it is a light boot. No hard inserts to prevent ankle twist or leg proection on impact. Although they are many of tick leather with foam which gives some impact protection.
In terms of confort they are outstanding. The perforation makes it so the sweat gets out of the boot (exception from the one that ends on your toe tips). They stand winter temperatures if you wear a snow sports sock. I've ridden on 5ºC and under rain and my feet were still warm and still dry.
Finally the really bad part is the sole. If offers nearly no grip on wet surfaces other than grippy tarmac and that really anoyed me... There were many situations where I nearly droped the bike because my foot slipped because of the boot...
Mega bequemer + komfortabler Stiefel
Meine Freundin ist hell begeistert. Der Stiefel drückt nirgends und macht jede Bewegung mit. Optisch sehr schön, ein richtiger Hingucker. Preislich auch ok, im Vergleich mit der Topmarke Day.... . Regenkontakt hatten wir noch nicht.
Excellent with one minor issue
This boots are comfortly great. They easily break in, and you can walk around 20-30 in them normally. One small issue is velcro closure from the inside, sometimes it can rub my leg and cause not very pkesant feelings.
Great Boots, comfortable, and waterproof.
Заказывал 44 размер на такой-же российский, все подошло.
На ноге сидит плотно, но на голени широковаты, с другой стороны, в них можно заправлять брюки. Комфортно, при + 15-25 не жарко. В дождь еще не проверял, надеюсь на Гортекс.
very good
Comfortable to wear, keep feet dry in rain, true to size & not bad looking. I like it.
Сели идеально, ни чего не где не жмет, размер ноги 42, брали 42.
Great summer touring boots
Comfort: 5 stars, Looks: 5 stars, Protection: 4 stars, Ventilation: 5 stars, Build quality: 5 stars.
It’s my third boots. Very confortable.
Alpinestars products are long terms of wearing.
I really suggest.
Great Product! Watch out for tax
Great boots, the best ive ever bought but if purchasing from the UK remember the extra tac you will have to pay now we have left thr EU! This cost me an extra £80
Took a few days to break
But fits me like a glove ;)