Casa Marcas S Spidi Protecciones Spidi Warrior Evo Inside Protector de espalda Evaluaciones

Evaluaciones de clientes para Spidi Warrior Evo Inside Protector de espalda

Spidi Warrior Evo Inside Protector de espalda
  • DKK 849,20
    DKK 806,72
    Se ahorra 5 %
    • Protector ergonómico de espalda de Spidi
    • Nivel 2
    • Amplias aberturas y confort ergonómico

    Disponible, listo para el envío en 2 - 3 días laborables

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Número de evaluaciones: 7
Evaluación media: 4,4
2 English todas
Offers Excellent Protection, But Is Slightly Uncomfortable And Has Some Defects
It is very sturdy and completely covers your back. It is, however, slightly uncomfortable because it is not very flexible. The unit I received also had some manufacturing defects; the venting holes were poorly drilled and there were small, sharp protrusions that could damage the inner fabric of my jacket. I was able to fix these defects myself, and so did not bother with returning it. It is overall a good back protector, but a product from a reputable brand like Spidi should not have such defects.
Offers excellent back protection
At first I found the fitting system into the jacket a bit strange but after using it for 2 weeks on a trip through the Himalaya it worked perfectly and stayed well in position. I would still prefer a fully closed pocket like other brands use.
Great relation price VS quality
compatible with most spidi jackets and even other brands ;)
Sehr gut
Sehr gute produkt. Flexible und stark produciert.
great back protector, covers almost the entire spine. very confortable and light, but not suitable for hot weather...i persume very good for the winter...also it is made in italy which is a big plus
Very good
It is very good product what perfectly fit to the jacket.
It is very light and almost is not rediucing comfort.

I will buy again definitly.
I put the protector into my jacket. It fits well enough and it is very light and comfortable. However in comparison to its competitors spidi is a bit expensive. For that reason i rated it with 4 stars.